Products / Frozen products

Muslo de pollo Congelado

Solomillo de pollo Congelado

Jamoncito de pollo Congelado

Trasero de pollo Congelado

Ragout de pollo Congelado

Contramuslo de pollo Congelado

Filete de contramuslo de pollo Congelada

Pechuga de pollo fileteada Congelada

Alas de pollo troceadas Congeladas


The shelf life of our products varies according to the packaging mode (fresh in bulk, in tray, with protective atmosphere, in vacuum or freezing IQF), indicating in each package the expiry date. All our products are sold in different formats and the type of packaging can vary according to the needs of the customer.


Grupo Hidalgo has several Quality Certifications that guarantee its products

Halal ISO 9001 Tierra de Sabor IFS